Bottle Gourd Opo Vegetable Seeds


  • Light green fruit
  • The harvesting season begins after 2-3 months of seed sowing
  • Vines grow 15-35 feet
  • Best stage to harvest is when fruits have soft, smooth
  • 10 seeds per package

Availability: 15 in stock

It is easy to grow bottle gourd by seed sowing method throughout the year. Summer is the best time to plant seeds. Seeds are sown directly in small pits or on raised beds which germinate in 14-20 days. Bottle gourd seedlings are very fast growing and quickly form the habit of a climber. A strong trellis support should be built for the climber to grow. Many gardeners let the plant trail on the ground or allow it to climb on poles or roof of the house. Pinch off growing points of the young plant to induce branching. The side shoots will develop separate male and female flowers in the second month. After pollination, the female flowers have little gourds beneath them. If male flowers are plentiful, some of them can be removed.

Learn to Grow Bottle Gourd

Start Indoors: 6 weeks before last frost

Direct Seed: 8-12" Apart

Support: Cage, stake, or trellis

Light: Full Sun

Instructions – Sow seeds outdoors after the danger of frost has passed. In short season areas, grow from transplants started indoors 6 weeks in advance. Gourds grow well on fences or garden trellises


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