Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) The fresh leaves of this herb, commonly known as cilantro, are used in a variety of Asian and Latin cuisines, but its seeds are also collected and used as a spice called coriander. Successive sowings of this annual herb, which bears umbels of white flowers before it sets seed, will ensure a steady supply of its edible leaves throughout the season. 50-55 days to first leaf harvest, 90-120 days for seed. Annual, 1-2′ tall
Learn to Grow Cilantro

Direct Seeds: 1/2"

Gemination: 10 days

Plant Outdoors: 8-10” Apart
Instructions –Sow seeds outdoors after last frost. May also be grown as a fall crop. Prefers rich well- drained soil. Cilantro has a tendency to self-seed.