Transplant, Kalimeris Indica 馬蘭頭

SKU: 0073 Category Species:


  • Organic
  • Grow to a height of 12 –28 inches.
  • Blooming starts in late spring
  • light purple or white flowers
  • Transplant is in 6 inch pot

Availability: 3 in stock

Kalimeris Indica also called Indian aster has wide culinary uses in East Asia. Young leaves and stems are collected in early spring time and cooked with other food items such as dried tofu (bean curd). It is considered a delicacy because of its special flavor. It is particularly popular south of Yangtze River in China where it is called 馬蘭頭 malantou.

All transplants are NOT available for shipping, only for local pick up. Call or text 408-981-6181 to make an appointment first, then pick up at the parking lot of 1150 South De Anza Blvd, San Jose, CA 95129.

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