Vegetable. Annual. Plant after frost or begin indoors. Full sun, grow on trellis. Keep fruits off ground. young fruits are edible,dried mature fruits yield a biodegradable sponge. 早熟高产杂交品种。主蔓第5-6节着生第一雌花。从定植至始收38天左右。比其他肉丝瓜提早10天收获,产量高,前期产量比其他肉丝瓜增产50%。瓜色深绿,皮较薄,微皱,粉浓霜,肉耐老,口味甜香。施足基肥,注意整枝打叶。若早期坐果困难应辅以人工授粉。坐果期薄肥勤施。丝瓜是喜肥,喜阳,喜水的植
Learn to Grow Meaty Loofah Gourd

Direct Seed: 1"

Plant Outdoors: 12” Apart

Support: Cage, stake, or trellis

Light: Full Sun
Instructions – Sow seeds outdoors after the danger of frost has passed in 12″ apart, 24″ between rows. In short season areas, grow from transplants started indoors 8 weeks in advance. Gourds grow well on fences or garden trellises
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