Loofah Gourd is edible plant, you can harvest young and eat them in the same manner you would a young zucchini or summer squash.
膨胀速度快.瓜长圆筒形,长12-24 inch,横径2-4 inch瓜色深绿,皮较薄,微皱,粉浓霜.肉耐老,口味甜香.参考株行距2 feet。施足基肥,注意整枝打叶。若早期坐果困难应辅以人工授粉。坐果期,薄肥勤施。丝瓜是喜肥,喜阳,喜水的植物.
All transplants are NOT available for shipping, only for local pick up. Call or text 408-981-6181 to make an appointment first, then pick up at the parking lot of 1150 South De Anza Blvd, San Jose, CA 95129.