- 早中熟品种。全生育期200天左右。植株生长强势。分枝多,耐热,耐渍.坐果节位低,节节有花序,有连续坐果能力。瓜短棒型,瓜长约18-28厘米,横径约5-8厘米。成熟瓜油亮米白色,伴有细青丝.肉质紧实,细嫩,纤维少,口感柔软。耐旱型和耐弱光能力。一般参考株行距0.5-2米。施足基肥,注意整枝打叶。若早期坐果困难应辅以人工授粉。坐果期,薄肥勤施。丝瓜是喜肥,喜阳,喜水的植物。
White Luffa gourd is an early to mid-maturing variety. The whole growth period is about 200 days. Plants grow vigorously with many branches, high temperature and moisture soil tolerance. Fruit-setting nodes are low, with inflorescences at each node, and continuous fruit-setting ability. The fruit is about 7”-11” , and the diameter is about 2”-3”. Mature fruits are bright and off-white, accompanied by fine green filaments. The flesh is firm, tender, with less fiber and soft taste. Drought tolerance and low light tolerance. Th plant row spacing is 1.7’ -6’. Apply enough fertilizer and pay attention to pruning and trim leaves. If early fruit setting is difficult, suggest manually pollinate the flowers. During the fruit setting period, apply fertilizer frequently. Luffa is a plant that likes fertilizer, sun and water.
All transplants are NOT available for shipping, only for local pick up. Call or text 408-981-6181 to make an appointment first, then pick up at the parking lot of 1150 South De Anza Blvd, San Jose, CA 95129.